Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kinship and Family

♥ Kinship-a relationship between any entities that share genealogical origin, through 
either biological, cultural or historical descent. And descent groups, lineages, etc. are 
related in their own subsections. 

♥ Family of orientation-family we are born into ( enculturation )

♥ Nuclear family-parents and their offspring
♥ consanguinal relatives ( consanguine )-blood related this can become problematic in certain cultures like the Trobriand Islanders
♥ family of procreation-the family in which you become or have the potential to become a parent
♥ Affinal relatives-relation by marriage. This whole complex system is called a kinship system
♥ Extended family-two or more nuclear families who are related by blood, living in the same household, village or territory

♥ Expanded family-includes a person who are not kin
♥ Blended family-divorce and remarriage
♥ Matrifocal-mother dominate with father present or absent
♥ Single-parent family

♥ Organize groups:

  • family types
  • residence groups
  • descent groups
 Direct behavior:

Enculturation role-assigned behavior for a particular individual
ex. mother-in-law avoidance taboos
person status: 
                       ascribed-status you have acquired
                       achieved-the status you have achieved through your hardships

♥ Exogamy-a social arrangement where marriage is allowed only outside of a social 
group. The social groups define the scope and extent of exogamy, and the rules and 
enforcement mechanisms that ensure its continuity. In social studies, exogamy is 
viewed as a combination of two related aspects: biological and cultural. 
♥ Endogamy-the practice of marrying within a specific ethnic group, class or social 
group rejecting others on such a basis as being unsuitable for marriage or other close 
personal relationships. A Greek OrthodoxChristian  endogamist, for example, would 
require that marriage be only with another Greek Orthodox Christian. 
♥ Levirate-type of marriage in which the brother of a deceased man is obligated to 
marry his brother's widow and the widow is obligated to marry her deceased 
husband's brother
♥ Sororate-a type of marriage in which the husband engages in marriage or sexual 
relations with the sister wife, usually after death or once his wife has proven infertile.